How to be a good manager inside Google
- 10 signals of a good manager
- Develop team
- inclusive enviroment
- empower, less micro management
- support developement, discuss performance
- a good coach
- listen and share info
- Get things done
- clear vision and strategy for team
- productive and result oriented
- collaborate cross teams
- be a strong decision maker
- key tech skills to advice team
- Develop team
- 5 signals of a good team
- psychological safety, 反面是缺乏信任,害怕冲突,无效沟通
- 1:1
- equally
- celebrate birthday, anniversary etc.
- dependability, 反面是缺乏承诺,规避责任,无效沟通
- structure & clarity, OKR,反面是缺乏方向,忽视目标
- meaning,反面是重视流程,忽视价值
- impact,反面是执行不力,忽视结果
- psychological safety, 反面是缺乏信任,害怕冲突,无效沟通
- 3 principles of L8+
- Drive amazing work
- Lift your people
- Lead with respect
- 尊重用户
- 尊重用户而理解需求
- 跨身份背景文化观点的冲突需求和观点
- 确保团队设计符合这个准则
- 尊重机会
- 做最重要的事情
- 对团队诚信,共享信息
- 建立模型,评估标准
- 相互尊重
- 公平分配公平称赞,鼓励大家参与
- 不尊重不包容时提供反馈
- 鼓励多视角
- 同理心 empathize
- 目标导向
- 目标转化:org/team OKR => team/person OKR
- 正确的优先级
- 四个等级
- 想做但不能做:instruct指令
- 能做但不敢做:guide指导
- 能做但不想做:empower授权
- 能做敢做肯做:stretch拉伸
- 反馈和指导
- 反馈
- 有效反馈
- actionable 可执行
- supportive 可支持
- ongoing, once per month 持续跟踪
- 形式
- situation, when/where
- behavior, what
- impact (+/-)
- 有效反馈
- 指导 coaching
- 本质
- unlock person’s potential to max performance
- help them learn, ranther than teach, teach junior
- 两类coaching
- performance coaching: 针对行为, knowledge skill
- development coaching: 针对心态, motivation
- 怎么做
- 好好听 Good Listening
- 好好问 Good Asking
- simple, short, open, curious
- ask one question, leading the question
- 好好跟 Good Followup
- 确定目标 Goal
- 了解情况 Reality
- 了解选项 Options
- 确定执行 Work/Commit
- 本质
- 反馈
- 精益求精
- 对结果负责
- 解决问题
- 专注根本原因
- 多角度
- 上下文背景
- 多选项优劣
- 执行
- 定义success metrics
- 增强高质量期望
- 帮助团队及时有效交付结果
- 扫清路障
- 权衡速度和质量
- 变通
- 适应歧义和变更
- 失败后的恢复斗志和迭代
- 创新思维,奖励想法共享和创造力
- 公平公正
- 机会公平 equality opportunity
- 结果公正 equity evaluation
- Set 设置预期
- Allocate 公平分配任务
- Feedback 反馈和指导
- Evaluate 评估奖励
Tips for New Managers
- New Manager Tips
- Listen and learn
- Earn respect
- Humbly do something useful
- Don’t make changes right away
- Avoid micro-management, clean the way, define a strategy